These are the most recent FAQs to Harris Law Firm, LLC

When am I eligible for Judicial Release?
Judicial Release is governed by R.C. 2929.20 and eligibility is determined by the length of your sentence. In general, you cannot apply for Judicial Release while you are serving mandatory time. If you are serving less than two years, you can apply for Judicial Release as soon as you arrive to prison. If you are serving between 2 – 5 years, you can apply for Judicial Release after serving 6 months. If the sentence is exactly five years, an Application for Judicial Release may be filed after serving at least four years imprisonment. If the sentence is more than five years but not more than ten years, you must serve at least five years before he is eligible.
How much time do I have to Appeal my conviction?
A Notice of Appeal must be filed with 30 days of sentencing.
Am I eligible to Expunge my convictions?
In general, if an adult has a total of not more than five convictions for non-violent misdemeanors and 3rd, 4th and 5th degree felony offenses, those convictions can be sealed. No Bills and dismissals can also be sealed.
When should I file a Post-Conviction Petition?
To be timely, a Petition for Post-Conviction Relief must be filed within 1 year of the filing of the Notice of Appeal or the date the transcript would have been filed (if no appeal was filed).
Can I file for an Appeal Bond?
A Motion to Suspend Execution of Sentence must be filed in the trial court and, if granted, bond is likely to be set higher than at trial as the Defendant no longer has the presumption of innocence. If the trial court denies boned, a Motion can be filed with the Court of Appeals.